All stages of the grant review process are conducted entirely by current members of Impact100 East Bay.
Applicants may apply for grant funding of approximately $100,000 in a focus area that supports their missions, programs, or services. If we have 125 members or more, applicants will be eligible for our $25,000 (or greater) Community Grant which goes to the secondary grant recipient. Impact 100 East Bay uses a 3-step application process: 1) a Letter of Intent (LOI), 2) a full Grant Application, including financials, and 3) Site Visits.
The Grant Application Process starts with the Letter of Intent (LOI). All Letters of Intent are reviewed and evaluated. Ten to 15 applicants are invited to submit a full Grant Application, which are also reviewed and evaluated by our Grant Committee. Four to 6 Semi-Finalists are selected, these Non-Profits receive a site visit from our members to better understand your organization’s operation and capabilities.
Following the Site Visits, 3 – 4 Finalists are selected by the Grant Committee and endorsed by the Impact100 East Bay Board of Directors. Finalists have several weeks to prepare a project Executive Summary and an oral presentation to inform our entire membership prior to voting.
The entire membership reviews the executive summaries, listens to the Finalist presentations at our Meet the Finalists event and then votes by individual anonymous ballot. The collective vote determines the grant recipient(s) (highest vote receives the Impact Grant and second highest vote receives the Community Grant.) The Grant recipients are announced at our annual Grant Awards Celebration.
Please join us to learn more about our 2025 Grant Award Process at one of our Nonprofit Information Sessions:
Watch video of 1/13/25 Information Session
Information Session Powerpoint Presentation
To submit a Letter of Intent (LOI), please download and complete this Word document and email to