For a detailed timeline of the entire Impact100 East Bay grant cycle, please see the timeline on our Grant Application Page.
The forms will be posted on the website. The Non-Profits will download it, fill it out, save it offline and send via email to grants@impact100eastbay. We prefer all applications be in one file, with each attachment labeled, (i.e. LOI from XXX, 990 from XXX.) Any readable document is acceptable, including PDF and Word. Be sure to save your documents and your emails to us.
You may also print and send forms via the US Postal Service to:
Impact 100 East Bay
PO Box 2889
Castro Valley, CA 94546
We award our grant/s to the strongest applicant/s regardless of focus area.
We make grants to organizations that are not headquartered in either Alameda or Contra Costa counties, providing they have a working office in our trade area, and their project serves people in that area.
You will need two years of audited 990s. You may want to consider collaborating with another nonprofit that has a proven, financially stable track record.
An ADU is considered a capital expenditure and would not be eligible under our guidelines. However, if your request was to fund wrap-around programs for clients, then that would be appropriate.
You are applying for a $100,000 grant. Any nonprofit that reaches the finalist stage will also apply for the smaller grant(s), if available. The grant application has a section that addresses what your organization would do with a smaller grant.
You may reapply again the following year.
When a nonprofit is awarded our largest grant, the organization must wait until the end of the grant cycle (2 years) before reapplying to Impact 100 East Bay for another grant. The 2 year period for grant recipients to re-apply begins the year that the grant is awarded no matter if the grant money is distributed lump sum or via installment payments according to the terms of the grant agreement.
(Example: Nonprofit X received grant in 2023. Nonprofit X would be able to re-apply in 2026. Year 1 = 24, Year 2 = 25).
We will request annual reports later in the process; brochures and videos are not necessary.
Depending upon the awardee’s grant proposal, disbursement of funds shall be specifically established in the award contract and shall be consistent with the fiscal needs to foster the project’s success. This may result in lump-sum or installment payouts, determined on a case by case basis. It should be your plan to expend the funds within two years. However, there may be a change in circumstances that occurs after the grant has been partially funded that necessitates modifying grant payments.
The period of time the money must be spent correlates directly with the project’s intended implementation timeline (2 years). Our payment policy requires that the recipient provide Impact 100 East Bay with regular interim reports detailing the progress of both the project and its budget while payments are being received.
Any community within the geographical boundaries of Alameda and Contra Costa Counties, in the State of California.
Yes. We encourage collaborations. Collaborating proposals should meet the following criteria:
a) Two or more 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations;
b) Submit letters of support for the collaboration (Common Grant Application stage)
c) Engage one of the partners as a lead fiscal agent through which all Impact 100 East Bay business is conducted.
d) Financial information is required from all collaborating partners, again as part of the Common Grant.
Typically, we do not support fundraising projects. In this instance we would need more information and encourage you to submit an LOI.
We share grant recipients and their corresponding projects on our website.
General operating expenses are ineligible for funding. However, if specific operating expenses, i.e. rent, utilities, office supplies, etc., will increase to support your project, then those are appropriate expenses to be included.
Our current voting membership structure only allows women to join as a full member by donating $1,000. Membership scholarships are available. Contact Membership for more information.
We also welcome “Friends of Impact100 East Bay” and are thrilled when an individual or a foundation wants to help us with our annual expenses (which are held to a minimum since we are an “all volunteer board.”). Although grant review committees are reserved for Impact100 East Bay membership, we welcome volunteers on operating committees such as marketing, PR, web development, nonprofit outreach, and communication.
Impact100 East Bay welcomes LOI’s that are programmatic, start-up, or technical assistance from valid 501(c)3 organizations. Our funding cannot be used to advance faith-based programs (e.g. build a chapel) but can be used by a faith-based organization to address social issues.
Our grant amount fluctuates every year based on the number of members we have for that year.
A recent Wall Street Journal article featured a chart that revealed 52% of nonprofits in the United States have a Health & Welfare concentration and 19% are focused on Education. It is predictable that we would see a clustering of applications in those same categories; however, we have had grant recipients in every focus area.
Our members are advised to look at the impact of a request. That includes both breadth and depth. What resonates with the Grant Committee may change from year to year. We ask you to speak from the heart (and back it up with data) what the true impact will be to those you serve. But the request must be confined to Alameda and Contra Costa Counties.
Yes. For the LOI, Impact100 East Bay is interested in your project budget. Even if it is not officially approved, the budget must still be realistic. Please note that the final question on the LOI asks you to confirm that your Executive Director and/or Board President are aware of the application.
Impact100 East Bay encourages all types of applications and if your program will change lives, we encourage you to submit it for consideration. We encourage projects that are new programs and expansion of successful pilots. Our committees have full control over who they choose as their finalist.
Impact 100 East Bay prides itself on its ability to maintain a level playing field amongst all applicants. In addition, due to the ever-changing composition of membership and committee involvement, any advice given might actually be invalid and misleading into a next year. Therefore we do not offer feedback and just ask you to attend the information sessions that we offer and are open to everyone.
Any questions or comments regarding the grant application process are welcome. Please contact us at