One of the many wonderful aspects of the Impact100 model is that members design their own experiences within this all-volunteer organization. You can simply cast your vote at the annual meeting. Or you can volunteer your time and expertise in a myriad of ways. The list below is a summary of needs.

If you would like to volunteer in any way, simply contact We also have an event in January of each year for all members who would like to volunteer to learn about these positions and sign-up! It will be posted on our events section or will be an email with registration information.

Help us grow!

Educating others about Impact100 East Bay and our mission is a year-round task and members are our best ambassadors! Invite us to come speak or do a Q and A at your book club, or mom’s group or a neighborhood get-together. Forward our monthly newsletter to friends and colleagues. Communicate our message through social media. We are only as powerful as the women who join us – you can help us reach those women who haven’t yet heard of us!

Membership Committee

The membership committee is responsible for all new member outreach, current member engagement, and enrollment. The committee needs 26-31 volunteers in five areas to achieve our strategic goals: Recruit new members and members.

Member Ambassadors (6 volunteers):

  • Welcome new members
  • Do periodic check-ins on members
  • Host small events or coordinate with members for social events or small ‘Taste of’ gatherings (Zoom or in person)

External Outreach (3-5 volunteers):

  • Work with marketing to develop lists, identify introductory approaches and follow up with women’s organizations, corporations interested in learning more about joining Impact 100 East Bay.
  • Identify and develop material to use in recruiting new members and shared at member hosted events.

Community Events: (2-3 volunteers)

  • Help coordinate events, speakers, and write invitations/thank you’s.
  • Plan 3 events (April, August and November) to provide information on top community issues, previous grant recipients project progress, and Holiday wish lists from our finalist non-profit organizations.

Volunteer Coordinator (2 volunteers needed):

  • Work with board member to develop the Volunteer Sign-up and Volunteer appreciation events
  • Discuss with members who want to volunteer to highlight our chapter needs and find matches with her interest/skills
  • Follow up with board members/volunteers to see if they are getting involved or need any assistance to get them started.

Membership Services:

Technology Enablement: (2 volunteers):

  • Assist with website content updates
  • Help with project management or implementation of new technology and/or updates

Member Experience Writer (1-2 volunteers)

  • Write new content for grant impacts, member’s experiences.
  • Edit member information such as newsletters, welcome letters, invitations, etc.
  • Develop content (text or video) of member’s experiences/why they joined.
Marketing & Communication Committee

The Marketing & Communication Committee is responsible for all marketing and communication internally to members and externally to East Bay communities and potential members.

The committee needs 5-7 volunteers to: Create a Buzz about Impact100 East Bay, Tell our Story, Alert the Media to what we are doing, and Engage the Community. Continuing volunteers will manage our Newsletter, write/edit key materials we use and lead media relations.

  • Communications (3-4 volunteers needed):
  • Social Media:
    • Current: Facebook (~ 1 to 4 posts per month)
    • Future: automatic link from Facebook to Instagram, LinkedIn and NextDoor
  • Emails: (~1 to 3 per month)
    • 3 key events (Big Reveal in February, Meet the Finalists and Grant Award Celebration in September)
    • 3 Membership-hosted events in April, August and November
    • Periodic emails to support chapter activities (Newsletters, membership drive and grant process)
  • Outreach (2-3 volunteers needed)
  • Identify & organize a calendar of East Bay community outreach to tell our story in partnership with Membership.
  • Do the research and proactively make inquiries to identify opportunities to raise awareness about Impact100 East Bay:
    • Women’s Leadership Forums
    • Local Corporations and Businesses
    • Local women’s organizations
    • Rotary/Chamber of Commerce
    • Unique or ongoing Community celebrations in the East Bay
  • Targeting areas of the East Bay where we have fewer members (Alameda County and Northern Contra Costa)
Big 3 Events Committee

The Big 3 Events committee is responsible for our 3 annual big events: Big Reveal (Feb), Meet the Finalists (Sep), and Grant Celebration (Sep). (3-4 volunteers per event)

  • Develop messaging – design invitations, send out physical/email invitations, reminders for events, agenda outlines for presentations.
  • Event planning – secure location, setup event, design theme, coordinate and physically setup decorations for events, track registrations using tools (zoom/evite), solicit raffle prizes, assign registrants to tables, food menu.
  • Virtual events – develop activities to engage members (polls, breakout rooms), music, raffles.
Grants Committee

The grants committee evaluates non-profit grant applications over a 9-month period to select the finalists that the overall membership will vote on. All are welcome to attend any or all of the stages.

  • Letters of Intent Review Meeting
    • Evaluating 50 or more Non-Profit Letters of Intent to determine who we invite to submit a full Grant Application.
  • Grant Application Review Meeting
    • Reviewing the 10-15 detailed Grant Applications and collectively deciding which 4-5 Non-profits move on to receiving a Site Visit.
  • Site Visits
  • Prepping for and attending the Non-profit Site Visits.
  • Site leader and team participants are needed.
  • Narrowing to 3 Grant Finalists that all of our membership votes to determine our Impact Grant award winner.