The Board will largely remain the same as in 2021. The key transitions necessary to support the co-share of the President’s role were highlighted earlier in the President’s Message. Here is the full list of 2022 Board positions and the members filling them.
President Carol Nitz & Stephanie Shaw (job share)
Vice-President Wende Amerie
Secretary Sylvia Inchausti
Treasurer Debbie Vargas
Co-Treasurer Jialin Hu
Governance Claudia Polidori
Membership Co-Chair Stephanie Shaw
Membership Co-Chair Stacey Stevens*
Grants Co-Chair Denise Coyne
Grants Co-Chair Jane Durkin
Big 3 Events Co-Chair Connie Driscoll
Big 3 Events Co-Chair Pat Adams
Marketing & Communications Co-Chair Alexis Bonn
Marketing & Communications Co-Chair Angel Moore
After serving one year as President Emeritus on the Board, Nancy Clark will transition from the active Board in 2022. She will serve in perpetuity as our Founder and President Emeritus.
*Stacey Stevens will also assume responsibility for coordinating the chapter’s technical components, which have been managed to date across a number of Board positions. As part of 2023 planning the Board will determine if the accountabilities warrant a separate Board position.