January ’22 Membership News

Join us for “Taste of Grants” Small Group Gatherings

Do you ever wonder what goes on in the room where it happens? Good news – we’ve created the events just for you! Invite your friends and join us at a small group gathering (live or virtual) to participate in a simulated grants meeting.

So what happens at the event? You’ll read a short summary of a grant proposal from a previous applicant that we weren’t able to fund. Then you’ll break into small groups for a facilitated discussion on the organization, the proposal, and how it addresses a community need. You’ll come back together and as a group decide which organization to award the grant to. All in an hour!

Sound fun? If you’re interested in attending one, or if you’d like to invite your friends and colleagues to introduce them to the great work we do, we’ll be hosting quarterly virtual ones. Or if you prefer to have a more intimate gathering with your circle – let us know and we’ll put together a gathering just for you. Contact us at membership@impact100eastbay.org and we’ll get you signed up!


New Year, New Friends – Let’s Meet!

It’s time to get out and meet each other. This year, join us for pop-up events -informal, member-hosted events where we get out, meet each other, and do things!

We’re planning on three types of events this year and would love to have you join us:

  • Let’s get outside! Let’s get some fresh air and enjoy all the wonderful hiking and walking opportunities the East Bay has to offer. We’re looking for people interested in everything from walks around the Lafayette Reservoir to more intense hikes in the Berkeley or Oakland Hills. 
  • Let’s Volunteer! We’re all about making impacts in our community. All around us there are projects and organizations looking for volunteers for either one-time projects or recurring visits. Are you part of a group looking for people to volunteer? Let us know and we’ll get a group together to help out! Or have a group you want to support? We’ll put the call out to our members to join you to volunteer.
  • Let’s Party! As we feel more comfortable mixing and mingling, let’s meet for happy hour or dinners out. Whether to make new friends or expand your network, we have an amazing group of women for you to get to know. Pick a time and a place to meet and we’ll put out the call for people to join you!


Help us Grow – Volunteer with Us

As an all volunteer organization we need YOU to help us make this a vibrant and impactful organization. You’ve got talents – share them with us. We have small and large projects that we need help with. Visit our volunteer page to learn about how you can help, then fill out our volunteer form to let us know what you’re most interested in doing. Many hands make light work!
