Lisa Coelho works as a solid waste consultant at Recyclist where she partners with local governments to monitor waste and recycling programs. Besides working with municipalities, she helps nonprofits and private businesses plan, implement and evaluate recycling and edible food donation programs.
Lisa is always on the lookout for examples of process efficiency and opportunities to report success. She states “Our greater goal is to mitigate the greenhouse gas emissions from landfills by diverting food from this destination and more sustainably managing our finite resources.” She finds inspiration in helping people make the environment more beautiful for themselves and others.
Lisa joined Impact100 East Bay after attending a Taste Of event where she felt drawn to our collective giving circle and the impactful projects we support. Over the years, she has assisted nonprofits with grant applications and is well aware of how much it means to be awarded a grant.
Lisa would single out Martin Luther King, Jr. as her mentor because of his indomitable spirit, patience and peaceful expression in the face of political, social and emotional challenges.
She enjoys learning how to fix things and would like to someday be able to refurbish things like cabinetry and furniture instead of buying replacements.
She cites a statement made by management consultant Maurice Mascaranhas as her favorite quote. “Profits are like breathing. You have to have them. But who would stay alive just to breathe?”